2022-2023 Year in Review
What specific experiences (honors or otherwise) in the past year have had the most impact on your personal, academic, or professional goals and life trajectory? Which future experiences will further encourage this growth? Please articulate specific academic and/or professional goals for the next year.
Throughout the past year, I completed my first co-op, took some of the most difficult classes that I will take, traveled outside of the country, and so much more. From August 2022 to May 2023, I:
- Completed the Fall academic semester
- Completed a full rotation of co-op at AMEND Consulting (and landed a return offer for Fall 2023!)
- Traveled to the Bahamas
- Started my part-time job in CEAS Admissions and Recruitment
- Was elected as VP Finance for my sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta
- Started working with the rest of the UHP Ambassadors Leadership Team
and so much more!!!
I felt like it would be important to detail some of the large milestones in my life as of this past year as it is so easy to speak to each and every one.
Completing the fall academic semester may not sound like a challenge, but for me it was. This was my first semester living in an apartment off campus, and having to balance a busy class schedule, football games, homework, cooking and cleaning, buying groceries, budgeting my money, being social, extracurriculars, and just making time for myself was HARD! It was a slap in the face to my current lifestyle and was a great learning experience.
My Co-op at AMEND was valuable in more ways than I can even express. I took a leap and accepted this co-op in consulting, not knowing if I could even do it based on my engineering background. However, I found that this type of environment is one that I flourish in! The fast pace combined with the mixture between left and right brain helped me really discover more clarity in regards to the path that I want to take in life. Of course, it's not totally clear yet, but I can't say enough how helpful this experience was for me. It was so good that I will be back in August for a second rotation!
I traveled around, a little bit! I went to Nassau in the Bahamas on a whim with my cousin, Gatlinburg with my family to hike and to Chicago with my mom to sightsee. Whereas neither of these places are thousands of miles away, these experiences helped me rediscover my love for travel after COVID halted it. I even reached out to my academic advisor to ask about studying abroad, and I plan to attend a UHP study tour! Traveling is so important and I love to discover the world.
As for the rest of my experiences, they all keep me busy. But they have helped me realize too that, no matter how busy I am, I love to stay involved!! Throughout this next year, I plan to make myself a known and friendly face within these orgs and others, because I know how helpful it is to have leaders that are approachable, driven and organized.
Goals or the year are to:
- GROW! and like it!
- Create intentional plans for myself. Be a friend to all
- Focus on career development in the background, but do what makes me happy.
- TBD! :)